Carriage of pregnant women. Air travel with a newborn baby

Before the flight, consult your medical advisor for possible precautions and obtain recommendations for your upcoming trip. 

Pregnant women can fly up to their 20 weeks of pregnancies in accordance with general practices. For all pregnancies after 20 weeks, a medical certificate is required, stating the estimated week of pregnancy and that a woman is healthy enough to fly on the date specified on the ticket. The certificate should be issued less than 7 days before carriage.

Pregnant women with the duration of gestation as of the date of flight exceeding 35 weeks – 1 fetus, 32 weeks – 2 fetuses are not accepted for carriage.

Carriage of babies under 7 days shall be performed provided that the Airline bears no responsibility before parents for health consequences of their baby as confirmed in written "guarantee obligation" (PDF document, 87 Kb) given by parents. The carriage of newborn babies under 7 days old is not recommended by doctors.

Pregnant women without necessary documents and passengers travelling with a baby under 7 days old should be inspected and accepted for carriage by a medical officer at the airport of departure. In this case the passenger will also be asked to complete a "guarantee obligation" (PDF document, 87 Kb) in at least 2 copies. 

One copy of passenger’s guarantee obligation is to be handed over to the airline’s representative or agent at the registration desk of the departure airport, and the other is for a crew purser. 

The Airline has the right to refuse to carry passengers with conditions that may worsen or have serious consequences during the flight.
